ADHD protein power

Neurons need proteins to help it communicate them communicate with the brain. Neurotransmitters, made from amino acids, affect behaviour. Dopamine and serotonin are in protein-rich foods. A protein-rich breakfast boosts an ADHD brain so your child can be set up for success in their day!

· April 10, 2022

High Protein Breakfast Ideas for Kids with ADHD

I frequently ask, “what can I feed my kids with  ADHD for breakfast. Parents are starting to understand that children with ADHD need a high protein breakfast to jump-start their brains. The problem is that the meds can upset their tummies, and kids can be picky eaters anyway.

These breakfast foods are very high in protein.

Neurons need proteins to help it communicate them communicate with the brain. Neurotransmitters, made from amino acids, affect behaviour. Dopamine and serotonin are in protein-rich foods. A protein-rich breakfast boosts an ADHD brain so your child can be set up for success in their day!

Having a breakfast menu plan also helps ensure she has enough time in the morning to make and eat breakfast. This requires having a set morning routine.

Everyone is responsible for grabbing their breakfast from the set choices made the weekend before. Try to eat at the table and talk about your plans for the day. The TV does not come on, and phones are not allowed. I suggested that you start by giving the meds right before or with breakfast.

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