Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders (SCARED)
Passion for your child's physical and emotional health from birth to early adulthood.
Stop Struggling at School! And find out the real reason your child is struggling…and how to unleash their true potential.
Passion for your child's physical and emotional health from birth to early adulthood.
Stop Struggling at School! And find out the real reason your child is struggling…and how to unleash their true potential.
General child health
Newborn health
Hospital care of acute illnesses
Vaccinations, Allergies, Asthma.
Sleep problems
Eating problems
Holistic Health
Autism and Aspergers.
Developmental assessments
Schooling Assessments
ADHD, Autism, anxiety, mood, behaviour, learning challenges, homework
CALL US/Make an Appointment
Mon – Thurs: 8am – 4:30pm
Fridays: 8am -2:30pm
Office Hours
031 1000 474
After Hours 031 1000 474
Hillcrest Private Hospital
471 Kassier Road
Are you losing sleep and cannot stop worrying about your child’s progress at school?
- Poor reading, poor focus, and difficulty with writing and spelling are just a few parents’ worries when they struggle at school.
- Have you “Will they struggle forever?”
- “Why is my child misunderstood.”
- “I want to do everything I can for my child – but what can I do?”
- Finding it difficult to make friends and may suffer from bullying?
- Struggling with sports, hand-eye coordination and the “team mentality.”
- Falling behind with reading, writing, and spelling
- Short attention span, lack of focus and concentration
- He doesn’t enjoy school and hates doing homework and studying.
- Feels clumsy and uncoordinated, may regularly drop and bump into things
- Feels shy, lonely, angry or frustrated and struggles to manage the emotional overload
- Has a poor memory and finds it difficult to recall memories or recent learnings. ( but has a photographic memory for things they like)
If you recognise these concerns, then Guide Little Minds can help. We know how difficult it is for the child and the parent. You and your child are not to blame for these challenges. It is the process of learning that needs development.
It would be best if you found answers to these questions. You need them now!
Guide Little Minds Program is not “just Tutoring or Medication” The focus is on understanding a child’s challenges and harnessing their potential by developing their skills to become more natural. As a result, there is more capacity and scope to learn the things they love. We embrace all treatments and therapies that have a legitimate scientific basis.
From exam stress to high-performance Guidelittleminds Discovering EVERYONE’S Potential.
This unique tailored program will radically change your child’s life with autism, ADHD tantrums, learning difficulties, hyperactivity & obsessive behaviour. Secure your child’s future by accepting help for one of the most successful therapies in child health over the past 80 years.
The 3 reasons that most therapies fail: (that you can now fix)
Your child is unique, and brain development and learning difficulties are more complex than any other medical condition. The brain is complex and needs an expert with specialised training and experience.
Only too often, I see children struggling to overcome learning, behaviour and self-esteem difficulties despite high doses and years of medication. Unfortunately, parents have received advice and treatment that is ‘short-sighted’ and do not take the time to invest in having an assessment by an expert. This approach is costly in the long term and delays a child receiving the vital help they need.
A quick fix, generic “fits all” solution is not in your child’s best interest.
Parents become frustrated and stop the medication when they do not see improvement. Often the wrong medication at high dosages is prescribed, which leads to unwanted side effects.
Guide Little Minds’ holistic and personalised assessment process is a unique program that identifies your children’s challenges to give the appropriate treatment to your child.
3. The benefits of Partnership.
To achieve the most outstanding results, you as a parent want only the best, and the Guide, Little Minds assessment program, was created to accomplish this.
Sadly, most children and families I see have spent thousands unnecessarily having unnecessary tests and therapies without getting to the root cause of their child’s problem.
The Guide, Little Minds Program is a life-changing, holistic intervention to develop key learning and development skills for children and families with:
Poor learning skills – reading, writing and spelling
Lacking focus and organisational skills
She was suffering from stress and loss of emotional control.
Those children with challenges like reading are misunderstood.
– are they unintelligent? Are they lazy? Our unique Assessment process solves these misunderstandings by empowering you to travel on the right road to the thriving destination that you are looking for
Our approach identifies all the issues – and gives you confidence that you’ve taken a massive step towards solving this crucial problem.
The Guide Little Minds assessment program provides the GUIDE and road map to address the root cause of your child’s problems.
We ‘hold your hand” with support and treatment throughout the journey.
Our online assessments measure your child’s problems using world-class standard, rating and assessment scales on an ongoing basis to ensure that the proper treatment and therapy is applied. We have online assessment portals for both parents and teachers.
The Guide Little Minds assessment program is a unique program that drives critical skills development by focusing on a specific brain area with executive functions. The process is achieved by combining educational, behavioural, physical and medical interventions based on over twenty years of helping children and parents find success for their families. With our Guide Little Minds assessment program, the process can be manageable.
Dr Flett
Specialist Paediatrician MBChB, MRCP(UK), FCP(SA).

My medical journey started almost 30 years ago as a General Practitioner in a Small Town, Waterfall, not far from the Hospital I now work in; Hillcrest Private Hospital. During this time as a GP dealing with young families and their precious new off-spring, a “Paediatric call” was heard loudly. Along the way I travelled with my family to the U.K, to specialise in Paediatrics, gaining the British Paediatric Specialist qualification, MRCP(UK) Paediatrics within two years. I was fortunate enough to work in centres of excellence like Great Ormond Street children’s Hospital and The Hammersmith Mother and Child Hospital, gaining top-level experience and learning from leading experts in children’s care and development. On returning to South Africa, my journey continued in the Department of Paediatrics, at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. In 1998 I gained my South African Paediatric Specialist Qualification, FCP(SA) Paediatrics. After spending time as a consultant at the Johannesburg General Hospital, the yearning to return to Durban grew stronger, and in 2000 I returned to Durban to enter private practice.
I enjoy all aspects of Paediatrics and child health care. I get a real buzz interacting with parents and their children, solving problems no matter how small they appear. I manage babies’ care as small as 500g and 25 weeks at birth and on the other end “children” over 90 kg and 25 years old.
I have a strong passion for managing all aspects of schooling-related problems. These include child and adolescent: anxiety, depression, self-esteem, conduct problems, developmental problems, learning problems, and the complete range of ADHD associated challenge
Get Expert Help
At Guide Little Minds ADHD Centre, we offer an Online ADHD Test for you to know or confirm if you or a loved one happens to have ADHD. We can provide you with an in-depth ADHD assessment to improve your understanding of the disorder and determine the treatment method best for you and your family. If you would like some further guidance and support on managing your ADHD, then please contact us at Dr John Flett at 031 1000 474 or via,
See a Parents Percpective

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