Video Game and Internet Gaming Addiction Linked with ADHD

The Concern
Research highlights that a high percentage of young adults between the ages of 17 and 29 with ADHD struggle with gaming disorders. Specifically, the study found:
* 82% of these young adults have a video game addiction.
* 59% have an internet gaming addiction.
These findings imply that if a person has these gaming disorders, they might also have ADHD.
ADHD and Gaming: The Connection
Young individuals with ADHD are more likely to face issues with video games and online gaming than those without this condition. The specific findings included:
* More than half (59%) of the participants with an internet gaming problem also had ADHD.
* Nearly three-quarters of the participants with ADHD also exhibited an internet gaming problem, in contrast to just 30% of the participants without ADHD.
* A considerable 82% of individuals with a gaming disorder had ADHD, while only 21% of participants without a gaming disorder had ADHD.
* Over half of the participants with ADHD (57%) demonstrated signs of a gaming disorder.
The Study Scope and Methods
The study involved a two-year observation of gaming habits and related issues, such as ADHD. This observation spanned over:
* 136 clinical groups
* 165 general gamer groups based in South Korea
* Participants aged between 17 and 29 years.
The results were startling:
* 63% of the clinical group met the criteria for an internet gaming disorder.
* Only 38% of the general gamer group met this criteria.
* A smaller portion of the clinical group (40%) and general gamer group (14%) met the criteria for a general gaming disorder.
Participant Behaviours: Clinical Group vs General Gamer Group
The research also drew a comparison between the clinical group and the general gamer group:
* The clinical group spent more time gaming, had many online friends, and were more willing to admit their gaming issue.
* They also had fewer years of education and spent fewer years gaming on the internet compared to the general gamer group.
* While the general gamer group played games for fun, the clinical group was driven by achievement and coping mechanisms.
Recommendations and Warnings
Health professionals recommend considering ADHD diagnosis when a patient exhibits signs of a gaming disorder. Jeremy Edge, a Licensed Professional Counselor, highlighted several warning signs of a gaming addiction:
* Difficulty stopping gaming
* Prioritizing gaming over other responsibilities and interests
* Craving gaming
* Displaying negative emotions (like irritation, anger, anxiety) when unable to game
* Not recognizing problems caused by excessive gaming
Parental Concerns
During a live poll in a 2023 webinar, parents reported struggles with the following gaming-related issues:
* Getting kids to stop playing when time is up: 25% of attendees
* Managing how much time kids spend playing video games: 23%
* Encouraging other activities after gaming: 19%
* Handling the emotional aftermath of gaming: 16%
* Monitoring live interactions with other players: 5%
Possible Actions
If you or your teenager exhibits signs of a gaming disorder, the following actions are recommended:
* Consult a doctor or mental health professional
* Turn off or limit app notifications and wait 10 seconds before opening any app
* Monitor feelings before and during screen use
* Keep devices at a distance
* Join a 12-step support group like the Internet and Technology Addicts Anonymous (ITAA)
* Seek out alternative, enjoyable activities
* Foster stronger connections with friends and family
* Address underlying issues that could contribute to problematic gaming use, such as depression or anxiety.
At Guide Little Minds ADHD Centre, we offer an online ADHD test ( to help you confirm if you or a loved one may have ADHD. We provide in-depth assessments to improve your understanding of ADHD and determine the best treatment methods for you and your family. If you need further guidance and support on managing ADHD, please contact us at Dr John Flett at 031 1000 474 or via Check out our courses at and for more information visit and
Remember, gaming addiction and ADHD are treatable, and help is readily available. It’s time to break the cycle and take steps towards better mental health! 💪🌈
#Hashtags and search terms:
#ADHD #GamingAddiction #MentalHealthAwareness #GuideLittleMinds #DrFlett #HealthyGaming #BalanceLifestyle #PreventionStrategies #ADHDAssessment #ADHDTreatment