ADHD Knows No Borders Understanding the Global Reach

Who Can Have ADHD?

  1. ADHD affects around 3-8% of children and 4-7% of teenagers worldwide. That’s about 1 in every 20 kids on average.
  2. In the US alone, that’s between 3.7 and 5.9 million school-age children.
  3. So, in a typical classroom in the US, there could be at least one or two kids with ADHD.
  4. It’s more common in boys than girls. The ratio is about 3-4 boys for every girl among children, and 2-2.5 boys for every girl among teenagers. Among adults, it’s about 1.5 males for every female.
  5. ADHD isn’t picky about who it affects. It’s been found in every country, race, and culture where it’s been looked for.
  6. There’s no solid evidence that ADHD affects different racial or ethnic groups in different ways.
  7. Interestingly, between 10-34% of people who were diagnosed as kids or teenagers no longer fit the full criteria for ADHD when they become adults, especially the hyperactive part.

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