Effective treatment for ADHD is available

Effective treatment for ADHD is available

SPONSORED: Speak to your doctor about ADHD treatment for your child.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common chronic conditions of childhood, affecting around one in every 10 to 25 children of school going age.

Although at times all children drift off into their imagination and test their boundaries with unruly behaviour, the occasions when children with ADHD have problems sustaining attention and controlling their behaviour are frequent and severe enough to interfere with their ability to live normal lives and socialise normally with their peers.1

The good news is that effective treatment for ADHD is available, enabling children to live a healthy and happy life and providing stability at school and at home.1

Speak to your doctor about ADHD treatment options that will suit your child’s needs.

Reference1. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Understanding ADHD. Information for parents about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. 2007. Accessed 23 October 2018

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