Understanding ADHD

  • ADHD, short for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is like a delay in the growth of certain brain functions. It’s mostly down to your child’s genes and how their brain is wired. It’s certainly not something they choose or create themselves! This ‘brain delay’ mainly affects two areas:

1. Paying attention

2. Being too active or impulsive

  • Here are some important things to remember about ADHD:
  • It’s not your kid’s fault. It’s just how they are, both mentally and physically.
  • It usually shows up in childhood. In fact, 98% of the time, you’ll spot it before they’re 16.
  • t’s likely to pop up in various situations and places, but not all of them.
  • It usually sticks around through the teenage years and can even stay with them as adults.
  • ADHD isn’t just ‘naughty’ behaviour; it’s actually behaviour that’s more extreme than what most people their age show.
  • So how do you know if a child or teenager might have ADHD? Well, they must:
  • Show these behaviours more frequently and more intensely than most kids their age.
  • Have been acting this way for at least 6 months.
  • Show these behaviours in more than one place, like at home and school.
  • Have problems getting along with others or doing well in school or other important activities because of these behaviours.

We call ADHD a ‘disorder’ because it can make things tough in life, affecting their wellbeing, how long they live, and how they function in daily life.

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